L’approccio di M|RESEARCH si ispira a teorie economiche e sociologiche che affrontano le tensioni legate alla sovrapposizione di diverse scale di analisi. Ciò si traduce nella capacità di far interagire informazione caratterizzata da una diversa scala di aggregazione (es. geografica o settoriale): da un livello locale a un livello internazionale, inclusa la scala dei c.d. “Big Data”.


  • Peer-group analysis
  • Best practice
  • Comparability
  • Transfer pricing
  • Business crisis alerts
  • Productivity Efficiency
  • KPI
  • Potential market
  • Positioning
  • Sector/market trend
  • Territorial analysis
  • Company/trademark/patent evaluation



(Chairman – CEO)

Professor of Economics. University “G. d’Annunzio” – Pescara and LUISS G. Carli – Rome. Former professor at the University of Cagliari and the University of Bologna and economist at the “G. Tagliacarne” in Rome, specialized at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the London School of Economics. He deals with international trade, productivity and business competitiveness, location choices, market globalization, statistics for the business and the territory, benchmarking.


Chartered Accountant – Statutory Auditor. Managing Partner of SLET – Law and Tax Firm. Former tax manager in PIRELLI S.p.A., SGR, real estate funds. He gained experience in the DELOITTE Tax and Corporate Firm (ANDERSENLEGAL – Arthur Andersen S.p.A.) in the FSI – Financial State Industry sector.